Saturday, July 3, 2010

And Now Your Starting 11

Oh we Doctor Who fans love our lists, don't we? Why is that? I know of no other fandom that loves to rank things as much as we. First of many lists you'll see here. And what better place to start then favourite Doctors?

  1. Sylvester McCoy (Duh)
  2. Tom Baker
  3. Matt Smith
  4. Patrick Troughton
  5. Christopher Eccleston
  6. William Hartnell
  7. Peter Davison
  8. Paul McGann
  9. David Tennant
  10. Colin Baker
  11. Jon Pertwee
Now, this doesn't take spin-offs or anything into account. Just what we saw on screen. Not that you can dislike a Doctor. Everyone is brilliant.


  1. Nonononono! Even though I was of the Patrick Troughton/Jon Pertwee generation, David Tennant is THE doctor. However, I am rather enjoying Matt Smith.

    LMAO, my capcha is holikes... Im not sure whether to be offended ;P

  2. Haha! Too funny.

    Don't get me wrong, I love David Tennant. I'm just not crazy about the tenth Doctor. I miss the actor, not the character. And you know, seeing him at Comic-Con in 2009 was amazingly cool...
